Articles 2013
Paper log autumn 2013
- Nov 20, Kristoffer presents: K. Karsch et al., Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-parametric Sampling , ECCV12 [External PDF]
- Oct 2, Hannes presents: A. Briggs et al. , Feature Matching Across 1D Panoramas, Omnivis05 [External Link]
- Sept 25, Freddie presents: C. Liu and W. Freeman, A High-Quality Video Denoising Algorithm based on Reliable Motion Estimation , ECCV10, [External link].
- Sept 18, Jens presents: Whelan et al., Deformation-based Loop Closure for Large Scale Dense RGB-D SLAM, IROS13 [External PDF]
- Sept 11, Marcus presents: T. Gao and D. Koller, Active Classification based on Value of Classifier, NIPS11, [External PDF]
- Sept 4, Erik presents: S. Lovegrove et al., Spline Fusion: A continuous-time representation for visual-inertial fusion with application to rolling shutter cameras, BMVC13 [External PDF]
- Aug 28, Hannes presents a summary of the ICVSS summer school.
- Aug 21, Per-Erik presents: C. Kim et al. Scene Reconstruction from High Spatio-Angular Resolution Light Fields, SIGGRAPH13 , [External website]
Paper log spring 2013
- Feb 21: Bertil presents: P. Padeleris et al. Head pose estimation on depth data based on Particle Swarm Optimization, CVPR12 workshop, [External PDF] [ video]
- Feb 14: Johan presents: J. Jachnik et al., Real-Time Surface Light-field Capture for Augmentation of Planar Specular Surfaces, ISMAR12, [External PDF] [ video] [ webpage]
- Jan 31: Hannes presents: D. Diel et al. Epipolar Constraints for Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation, WACV05 [External PDF]
- Jan 24, Vasileios presents: E. Elhamifar et al., Sparse Manifold Clustering and Embedding, NIPS11, [External PDF] [ code]
Last updated: 2014-03-24