Swedish Leaf Dataset
These images contains leaves from 15 treeclasses.
These treeclasses are as follows:
- 1. Ulmus carpinifolia : 240 MB
- 2. Acer: 659 MB
- 3. Salix aurita: 227 MB
- 4. Quercus: 137 MB
- 5. Alnus incana: 71 MB
- 6. Betula pubescens: 204 MB
- 7. Salix alba 'Sericea': 95 MB
- 8. Populus tremula: 203 MB
- 9. Ulmus glabra: 320 MB
- 10. Sorbus aucuparia: 554 MB
- 11. Salix sinerea: 121 MB
- 12. Populus: 243 MB
- 13. Tilia: 180 MB
- 14. Sorbus intermedia: 279 MB
- 15. Fagus silvatica: 172 MB
The files are named so that it is easy to find the leaf/leaves that we want. A file could be named for example :
- l is short for leaf
- 9 is treeclass nine
- nr is short for number
- 003 is the number of the leaf of the specific treeclass
Oskar J. O. Söderkvist, “Computer vision classifcation of leaves from swedish trees,” Master’s Thesis, Linkoping University, 2001.
Last updated: 2016-03-08